- Mining for antimicrobials. Beneficial soil bacteria for novel traits and natural functions (F7.3.1)
- Intelligent mining. Functional screening for antimicrobials of competing isolates from brown rot (F7.3.2)
- Mining rhizobacteria-induced effects on plant growth and quality (F7.3.4)
- Mining detritivore invertebrate genomes (F7.3.5)
- Mining of anaerobic microbial ecosystems for lignin degradation (F7.2.3)
- Towards a zero-emission factory of the future: MICRObial processing to reduce and CONTROL emissions (MICROCONTROL, F8.4.1)
- Next generation array systems for sensing of soil health status (F8.4.2)
- Towards a quick decision SUPPORT tool for SUstainable use of harvest RESidues (SURE/SUPPORT, F3.1)
- Several projects within the collaboration between the BE-Basic foundation and the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology.
- EcoLinc Tranche2: Metascreen open laboratory (MOL) facility for bioactivity screening and nature mining
- “Back to the roots” (Back2Roots)